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Brazilian Startups Shine at COP28: Innovation and Sustainability Take the Stage


The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) has commenced in Dubai, bringing together global leaders and innovators to address climate change. In this arena, six Brazilian startups, including umgrauemeio, are showcasing pioneering solutions for a sustainable future. umgrauemeio, recognized for its Pantera platform and the Embrace the Forest project, stands out with its approach to forest fire prevention and CO₂ emission reduction. This report delves into the impact of these initiatives, illustrating the critical role of technological innovation and international collaboration in the fight against climate change.

Highlighted among the companies are Abundance Brasil, focusing on environmental restoration, and Bluebell Index, bringing new perspectives to environmental assets. MetAmazonia also draws attention with its innovative platform in the Amazon. These companies represent Brazil's forefront in climate technology, demonstrating the power of innovation and sustainability at COP28.
COP28: Conheça 6 startups brasileiras que participam do evento global | Um Só Planeta | PEGN (globo.com)

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