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We commit to being accountable to society through our initiatives to transform the climate reality of the planet

Area under protection

17.5 million hectares

The Pantera software is in operation throughout Brazil, providing easy, integrated, and efficient management of forest fires

20 states of Brazil
Present in 5 national biomes
Over 15000 fire reports
100 million reais in saved losses
We avoided the emission of 18 million tons of CO₂
More about Pantera

Over the past years, we have accumulated knowledge and gained international recognition for our solutions and initiatives

We celebrate past achievements and acknowledge that there is still much to be done

That is what drives us.


Empowering local communities in the Brazilian Pantanal and revolutionizing the approach to forest fire management in the region

2.5mi monitored hectares
323 detected fire outbreaks
5 mi tons of CO₂ by avoided emissions


We are aware of the urgency to address climate change. That's why we carry in our very name the goal to be achieved: to keep the rise in the planet's temperature below 1.5°C

Our work is intrinsically aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, reflecting our commitment to actively contribute to a balanced and inclusive future

Direct impact indicators

ODS 3 - Saúde e bem estar
ODS 6 - Água potável e saneamento
ODS 8 - Trabalho decente e crescimento econômico
ODS 13 - Ação contra a mudança global do clima
ODS 15 - Vida Terrestre
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